FIFA match agents, football agents and football experts from the 3 countries Alpe-Adria region Austria, Italy and Slovenia came together to form the cross-border Football Union during the winter months.
The primary goal of the club and the cross-border INTERREG FOOTBALL UNION - Austria-Italy-Slovenia (IFU) is to expand and promote interregional development and cooperation in men's and women's football in the amateur and professional sectors. The boundless cooperation in football between associations, clubs, officials, players, coaches, FIFA match agents, football experts and football managers in general has been lived and practiced in the Alpe-Adria region for years and is now being achieved with the founding of the INTERREG FOOTBALL UNION concrete face and a new platform.
In practice, international, national and regional men's and women's football matches and football camps will take place. Tournaments and other football activities in the amateur and professional sectors in the 3 regional regions of Carinthia, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia and the Slovenia regions are planned, prepared and implemented together.
In addition, flagship and lighthouse projects such as the “AMATEURS EURODED CUP 2024” and the “AMATEURS EURO 2025 or 2026” are to be developed in terms of sport, tourism and culture with a unique selling point in football and established across Europe and the world.
In this way, the three countries/nations border region Austria, Italy and Slovenia should become an active and leading football hotspot in the world of football for and during the summer break of international football. (Games, tournaments, training camps, recreation and much more)
"An unprecedented and presentable sports, football and tourism project in European and international football." Neo IFU President Valentin Blazej explains briefly and succinctly,
“Cross-regional cooperation in football has been going on for around 15 years and with the IFU we now want to make it more visible so that we can be noticed even more.” explains founder and IFU club manager Armin Somrak.
Other interregional founding bodies and members of the IFU Founding Board Members: Fatlum Kurtaj (AUT), Jürgen Riepl (AUT) Hristo Ristoskov (AUT/BLG), Albert Modritsch (AUT), Bostjan Damis (SLO), Adnan Alagic (SLO), Cheik Fall (ITA)
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