Eight new players and a new Coaches Trio are in Austrian Squad for the Amateur National Selection International Friendly Match on April 2nd (KOT 5:30 p.m.) between Slovenia and Austria in the Siska Stadium in Ljubljana.

The aim of the rotation is to get a sporting impression of several Austrian amateur players who are recommended for the planned EUROFED CUP 2024 in June. Due to the absence of head coach Parth from the first leg in November 2023, there will also be changes in the trainer and coach trio. Each federal state and state football association nominated and called up two players and one coach each from Eastern, Central and Western Austria. The representation and consideration of regional or state associations in the respective nation is the second major and important selection criterion when selecting and calling up players, alongside the purely amateur status of players, coaches and supervisors, and is a prerequisite for eligibility to play and participate. The current Austrain squad for the Match against Slovenia is as follows:
Wimmer Felix, 25, Union Gurten; RLM, Upper Austria; Ruso Alexander, 26, ASV Schrems, NÖLL, Lower Austria
Fischer Daniel, 26, SV Leobendorf, RLO, Lower Austria; Haas Philipp, 26, Wiener Sportclub, RLO, Vienna; Lamp Lukas, 24, SC Imst, RLW, Tyrol; Rakic Milan, 24, FC Rotenberg, VEL, Vorarlberg; Scheer Ralph, 23, SV Spittal, KLL, Carinthia
Oberwinkler Michael, 22, SPG Wels, RLM, Upper Austria; Hölbling Daniel, 18, Wiener Viktoria, RLO, Vienna; Krutzler Florian, 20, ASV Drassburg, RLO, Burgenland; Ostermann Jan Niklas, 24, SC Weiz, RLM, Styria; Zehntmayr Philipp, 25, FC Pinzgau Saalfelden, RLW, Salzburg; Fötschl Yannic, 20, Austria Salzburg, RLW, Salzburg; Nagel Christopher, 24, Dornbirner SV, RLW, Vorarlberg; Kobald Christoph, 26, USV St. Anna, RLM, Styria
Herrklotz Thomas, 30, SV Oberwart, RLO, Burgenland; Nsandi Mersei Dieu, 24, ASK Klagenfurt, RLM, Carinthia; Prantl Rene, ST, 33, SC Imst, RLW, Tyrol
On call
Temmel Enrico, GK, SC Weiz, RLM, Styria; Sandmayr Luka-Nils, 24, Austria Salzburg, RLW, Salzburg; Knoflach Michael, 27, SC Schwaz, RLW, Tyrol; Kuester Mario, 20, VST Völkermarkt, KLL, Carinthia;
Coaches Trio: Stuck Kurt, Mitte, Carinthia; Zvijerac Goran, East, Lower Austria; Rider Daniel, West, Salzburg

Ticketing & More Infos
Tickets for € 10.- will be available on Matchday in the Stadium Siska
INTERREG FOOTBALL ARGE - Austria I Italy I Slovenia
E-Mail: info@amateurseuro.com
Web: www.amateurseuro.com