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Slovenian Amateur National Squad for the Friendly Match against Austria

Writer's picture: Armin SomrakArmin Somrak

Like in the Austrian Squad, there are also changes in Slovenian Amateur National Selection for the Amateur National Selection Home Friendly Match on April 2nd (KOT 5:30 p.m.) against Austria in the Siska Stadium in Ljubljana. Since the founding of the young nation of Slovenia, it will be Slovenia's first and historic Amateur National Selection match on home territory.


Slovenian Head coach Ales Dolinar also wants to get an idea of several new Slovenia's Amateur Players who are recommended for the planned EUROFED CUP 2024 in June. Eight Amateur players from Slovenia are new in the squad compared with the first match and away in November 2023 against Austria. From each regional football association in Slovenia nominated and called up two players and one coach each from eastern, central and western Slovenia. The representation and consideration of regional or state associations in the respective nation is, in addition to the purely amateur status of players, coaches and staff members, the second major and important selection criterion when selecting and calling up players and is a prerequisite for eligibility to play and participate. The current Slovenian Squad is as follows:


Mrežar Domen, 29, NK Dravinja, Savinjska; Pucer Lan, 19, NK Izola, Obalno Kraška



Perko Franci, 23, ND Bilje, Goriška; Lipec Andraž, 21, NK Krka, Jugovzhodna Slovenija; Pristovnik Aljaž, 22, NK Rače, Podravska; Poljanec Blaž, 27, NK Škofja Loka, Osrednje Slovenska; Pesjak Žiga, 25, NK Kety Emmi Bistrica, Podravska; Doplihar Nejc, 30, ND Bilje, Goriška; Cejvanović Din, 19, NK Triglav, Gorenjska



Zavnik Matic, 23, ND Primorje, Notranjsko Kraška; Kokalj Samo, 30, NK Šenčur, Gorenjska; Mestrič Kristijan, 24, NK Dekani, Obalno Kraška; Martinčič Jaša, 23, NK Kety Emmi Bistrica, Podravska; Gliha Mark, 20, NK Krka, Jugovzhodna Slovenija; Bračko Nejc, 25, NK Dekani, Obalno Kraška 



Ribič Žiga, 25, NK Krško, Spodnjeposavska; Ramšak Žan, 28, NK Dravinja, Savinjska; Kmetič Anej, 23, ASK Klagenfurt, Kärnten/Austria


Coaches Trio

Dolinar Aleš, Gorenjska; Črnko Bogdan, Pomurska; Nenezić Igor, Obalno Kraška

Ticketing & More Infos

Tickets for € 10.- will be available on Ticket counter on Matchday in the Stadium Siska

INTERREG FOOTBALL ARGE - Austria I Italy I Slovenia
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